Friday, July 23, 2010

home again home again

jiggity jig.

Actually, I've been home for over a month, but I haven't updated my blog in months and months and months. I feel bad about that. Maybe I shouldn't have limited myself to making bear puns? That may have been a mistake? In any case, I'm sorry. The only thing is that now that I'm back home, I will have less to talk about event-wise and more to say in terms of musings. Musings on life.

I bought a pomegranate deodorant recently. Few things please me so much as smelling pomegranates whenever I raise my arms above a certain point. I find myself punching the air so much more often.

Boggle might be my only verifiable skill.

Tolstoy could have pared about 300 pages from Anna Karenina, and I would like it just as much. And has anyone ever read Anna Karenina without knowing the ending beforehand? She throws herself on the train tracks. Just in case there was anyone left who didn't know.

Romping is the last thing anybody should do in a romper.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

the one behind the hedge

I'm on Spring Break this week. I've pretty much just been keeping it real. You understand. I'm talking about hanging out. I'm talking about watching movies. I'm talking about...doing some other stuff. It just feels good not to be in school. Not saying I don't like school. Just saying it's not as great as laying out on a wooden slide in the park.

Lately I've been trying to think about big picture type things. In my life, I mean. What should I major in, what should I do with myself, what am I good at doing? I haven't come to any solid conclusions yet aside from one: I hate big picture things. Thinking about this stuff makes me feel older than I am. Or at least older than I think I am. I'm still 15, right?

In other news, I recently auditioned to be on the Stanford improv team (The SImps), and I NAILED IT. Which is to say, I'm on the team. I'm really jazzed about it. And I'm official on the website now. Booyah grandma!

Spring quarter starts on Monday. The weather, at least, promises to be charming. Honestly though, I'm not worried about it school-wise either. It gon' be zoppity. Freals.

Ideally I'll be better about blogging next quarter too. I am remiss.

Monday, January 4, 2010


This is a picture of how I felt when I got off the plane yesterday. So much traveling. Except if I were really a black bear, I would have mauled the passive-aggressive guy sitting beside me who got mad because I didn't leap into the aisle immediately when the plane landed. "Are we going to wait for EVERYBODY to get off the plane before we stand up?" Clubbed by a bear claw. Conversation over. Common courtesy people. Just saying.

Anyways. Now I'm back on campus and getting back into the swing of things. I'm still on Virginia time, which is great because by California time, my sleeping in is waking up early. Well, relatively early. I woke up at 8:45 today. That's not bad, right? right? ... It's a good start, at least. I honestly wasn't that jazzed to be back yesterday. I love Richmond and my family and friends....and Christmas....and holidays...and no school work. Must stop before I depress myself. But really. California is starting to pick up. I'll say one thing - California weather is infinitely superior to Virginia weather.

I'm working on having a positive attitude about things. Sometimes it's hard, and I only want to talk about things and people that annoy me. When did I become that person?

Six months and counting until I can come home again. I hope that sounds like a longer time than it actually turns out to be.

And one more thing. Any tips on how to avoid unwelcome hugs?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

sleep and restlessness

I've been feeling sort of restless lately. I guess I feel like there's something that I should be doing that I'm forgetting to do. One of my friends cleverly suggested that it might be homework. In other news, I ended a friendship this week.

But really. I feel a little off my groove. I keep having dreams of being at home, and in my dream I'm like, "This is awesome! I hope this isn't a dream." And then I wake up in my dorm room with my blankets on the floor. Dang it. This is the form that my homesickness is taking, I suppose. I can't even really explain it.

Anyways...on a brighter note, I like most of the people in my dorm a lot. The things that I like in people are the same regardless of who they are or where I am. I keep noticing some of the same mannerisms in my friends here that my friends at home have. Weird!

To sum up my time here:
I hate the word "over-arching." Find a new word, SLE kids. As long as it's not "dichotomy."
I wish philosophy were easier to understand. To be frank, my feelings toward Platonic thought are less than platonic. More like hatred.
I want to be more cultured.

P.S. to my family. I do my homework. Don't worry.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


dun d-dun d-dun dun d-dun d-dun
Stanford Update!
Well, so far everything has been going along pretty swimmingly in the 650. I have really not been as homesick as I thought I would be, which is not to say that I'm not at all homesick, just not as much I thought I would be. Last night I dreamed that I had gone home for a few days and cried when I had to come back to campus... But then later I dreamed that I was playing with a baby in the Children's Museum. And a few days ago I dreamed that my entire family staged my sister's death as an elaborate practical joke on me. I don't know what that means...My dreams have been on the fritz lately.

Any the who. With one week of classes under my belt, I can now give a pretty accurate depiction of my life here:
  • 3 classes this quarter - second-year Russian, acting for non-majors, and an intense combo of humanities and writing known as SLE (Structured Liberal Education). none of these start before noon. Breakfast ends at 10... Some days I don't eat breakfast.
  • walking everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
  • football games on saturdays. usually leave at halftime.
  • looking forward to lunch and dinner and sleep more than anything. much the same as at home.
  • pretty hot during the day. gets into the 100s.
  • messy dorm room
  • reading for SLE...a lot.
  • church on Sunday.
  • missing my bed and my house and my family and friends. not in that order.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

california, here we come!

12:30 pm
I'm rolling out of Virginia today. Flying out, really. It's a little bit surreal. Like at any moment my face could melt into a clock and slide off a table! My back hurts. I don't know if that has anything to do with being nervous. T-minus about 4 and a half hours. I'm shaking in my metaphorical bootsss.

I need an outlet for my nervous energy.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

making bear jokes?

"actually, i only dated one asian girl, but she was very asian. she was a panda." - jim gaffigan

welcome to my blog!

to clarify:
the title of this blog is pretty much just a pun on bears, courtesy of brennan dolson. i probably won't be writing too much about bears, unless i happen to encounter one in my daily which case, i'm definitely going to write about it.

the URL is wordplay too.
poly = polynesian
gone = leaving for stanford
irregular = eh...incontinent? not so much. unusual i guess.